Friday, April 27, 2012

Directionless! - దిక్కుమాలిన...

దిక్కులన్నీ పెక్కటిల్లే అగ్నినై వెలగాలనీ....
కలలు కన్నాను ప్రగతికై, నా కలలు పండాలనీ....
కళ కైనా , ప్రతిభ కైనా  అదృష్టమే మూలం ...
కానిదేవ్వారు మార్చగలరోయ్ , కాని కల విలువ శూన్యం ...

దిక్కులన్నీ పెక్కటిల్లే అగ్నినై వెలగాలనీ...
కలలు కన్నాను ప్రగతికై, నా కలలు పండాలనీ....
దిక్కుమాలిన లోకం లో దిక్కు లేదోయ్ ప్రతిభ కి ....
కలలను నేను తుడిచివేసా , కడుపు నిండాలని....

దిక్కు మాలిన - Telugu - adj. for something that lacks a proper direction.
Slang- used as an abuse for purposelessness. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

A Dreamer's letter to his Dream.

Hi Sweetheart,
I am missing you a lot.... You would've guessed it coz it is not entirely normal for anyone to be awake at 4:45 a.m., leave alone start writing a letter.

But I have no other way to express myself to you... We don't meet up as much as we used to in the "good old days". Besides, a letter helps me write all that I'd normally be unable to say to you. A lot of things that take a "U" turn as soon as they reach my tongue. Most of the times to avoid saying things that are true, but might hurt you.

We've known each other from a really really long time, and a major chunk of my best moments in life was with you. I know you are married to Sleep, but I don't really get along so well with him... I am more of the "insomia-liking" types myself. I am jealous of sleep for the exact same reason. And I know you are busy with all the travelling these days, but I really wish you could squeeze me into your schedule.

Well, don't bother about me, take proper care of yourself out there.
Ever yours,

P.S: I know I should've called, but I didn't want to disturb you so late in the night :P