Thursday, June 10, 2010

Depression is more dangerous than HIV!!!

Statistics show that 15.1% of south Indian urban population suffers from Depression and about 12.4% of them have suicidal tendencies!!! The prevalence of HIV in adults in south India is a meager 0.34% as compared to Depression.
HIV is a infectious disease, and i strongly believe it will be controlled in near future like all other infectious diseases.
Depression is a part and parcel of one's reactions to the way life goes about. There is really nothing we can do to decrease the prevalence of Depression in people.
But Depression is completely curable if you have a good friend who can listen to you.
We, Human beings, are a group of highly vulnerable emotionally weak species.We expect life to be good at all times, so much so, that we sometimes cannot accept failures. Hippocrates first described depression around 400 BC.
The famous actor and comedian Tony Hancock committed suicide in 1968 and wrote in his suicide note that "Things just seemed to go too wrong too many times".
You could say that's the way things are, or that we all feel the same at some point of time. And that is exactly my point! We all suffer from Depression. Each and everyone of us.
And it is one thing you could help your loved ones out of.All you need is to listen. DON'T talk to them, just listen. People love it when they get a good listener. Most problems seem to vanish in thin air when you have somebody to listen to you.
The reason why most couples live happily together because they listen to each other. They don't just hear, or obey..... they listen.
Falling in love is the best cure for Depression :)
Ironically, falling out of love is the cause of major depressive disorders.
I was in and out of love a couple of times, and had to deal with a lot of depression myself. Depression led me into the dark corners of alcohol and tobacco abuse. And coming out of alcohol and Nicotine abuse was a great challenge. It took a great deal of effort to tell myself that Depression, sadness, dejection are fleeting..... life is permanent.
Momentary Happiness is far more achievable goal than with simple joys of life. Feeling the rain in your face, running with bare feet on soil, and meeting friends are some simple things that could make you Hugely happy.
Try it. IT WORKS.
And for the record, i did get out of alcohol and tobacco dependence, in case anyone of you shows my mom this blog :)

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